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OpenLoopCoronaryBC Class Reference

Open loop coronary boundary condition based on [3]. More...

#include <OpenLoopCoronaryBC.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenLoopCoronaryBC:

Public Member Functions

 OpenLoopCoronaryBC (int id, Model *model)
 Construct a new OpenLoopCoronaryBC object.
void setup_dofs (DOFHandler &dofhandler)
 Set up the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the block.
void setup_initial_state_dependent_params (State initial_state, std::vector< double > &parameters)
 Setup parameters that depend on the initial state.
void update_constant (SparseSystem &system, std::vector< double > &parameters)
 Update the constant contributions of the element in a sparse system.
void update_time (SparseSystem &system, std::vector< double > &parameters)
 Update the time-dependent contributions of the element in a sparse system.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Block
 Block (int id, Model *model, BlockType block_type, BlockClass block_class, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, InputParameter > > input_params)
 Construct a new Block object.
 ~Block ()
 Destroy the Block object.
 Block (const Block &)=delete
 Copy the Block object.
std::string get_name ()
 Get the name of the block.
void update_vessel_type (VesselType type)
 Update vessel type of the block.
void setup_params_ (const std::vector< int > &param_ids)
 Setup parameter IDs for the block.
void setup_dofs_ (DOFHandler &dofhandler, int num_equations, const std::list< std::string > &internal_var_names)
 Set up the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the block.
virtual void setup_model_dependent_params ()
 Setup parameters that depend on the model.
virtual void update_solution (SparseSystem &system, std::vector< double > &parameters, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &y, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &dy)
 Update the solution-dependent contributions of the element in a sparse system.
virtual void post_solve (Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &y)
 Modify the solution after solving it.
virtual void update_gradient (Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &jacobian, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &residual, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &alpha, std::vector< double > &y, std::vector< double > &dy)
 Set the gradient of the block contributions with respect to the parameters.
virtual TripletsContributions get_num_triplets ()
 Get number of triplets of element.

Public Attributes

TripletsContributions num_triplets {5, 4, 0}
 Number of triplets of element.
- Public Attributes inherited from Block
const int id
 Global ID of the block.
const Modelmodel
 The model to which the block belongs.
const BlockType block_type
 Type of this block.
const BlockClass block_class
 Class of this block.
VesselType vessel_type = VesselType::neither
 Vessel type of this block.
const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, InputParameter > > input_params
 Map from name to input parameter.
std::vector< Node * > inlet_nodes
 Inlet nodes.
std::vector< Node * > outlet_nodes
 Outlet nodes.
bool steady = false
 Toggle steady behavior.
bool input_params_list = false
 Are input parameters given as a list?
std::vector< int > global_param_ids
 Global IDs for the block parameters.
std::vector< int > global_var_ids
 Global variable indices of the local element contributions.
std::vector< int > global_eqn_ids
 Global equation indices of the local element contributions.
TripletsContributions num_triplets
 Number of triplets of element.

Protected Attributes

double P_Cim_0 = 0
 Pressure proximal to Cim/Vim at initial state.
double Pim_0 = 0
 Pim at initial state.

Detailed Description

Open loop coronary boundary condition based on [3].

\begin{circuitikz} \draw
node[left] {$Q_{in}$} [-latex] (0,0) -- (0.8,0);
\draw (1,0) node[anchor=south]{$P_{in}$}
to [R, l=$R_a$, *-*] (3,0)
to [R, l=$R_{am}$, -] (5,0)
to [R, l=$R_v$, *-*] (7,0)
(5,0) to [C, l=$C_{im} \;V_{im}$, -*] (5,-1.5)
(3,0) to [C, l=$C_a$, -*] (3,-1.5)

Governing equations

&C_{i m} R_{v} Q_{in}-V_{i m}+C_{i m} \left(-P_{c i m}(0)+P_{i m}(0)-P_{i
m}+P_{v}\right)-C_{i m} R_{v} \frac{d V_{i m}}{d t}-C_{a} C_{i m} R_{v}
\frac{d P_{in}}{d t}+R_{a} C_{a} C_{i m} R_{v} \frac{d Q_{in}}{d t}\\ &+C_{a}
C_{i m} R_{v} \frac{d P_{a}}{d t}=0

&C_{i m} R_v P_{in}-C_{i m} R_{v} R_{a} Q_{in}-R_{v} V_{i m}-C_{i
m}\left(R_{v}+R_{a m}\right) \left(P_{c i m}(0)-P_{i m}(0)+P_{i
m}\right)-C_{i m} R_{v} R_{a m} \frac{d V_{i m}}{d t} \\ &-R_{a m} V_{i
m}+R_{a m} C_{i m} P_{v}=0 \end{eqnarray*}

Local contributions

\mathbf{y}^{e}=\left[\begin{array}{lll}P_{in} & Q_{in} & V_{i
m}\end{array}\right]^{T}, \]

\mathbf{E}^{e}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}-C_{a} C_{i m} R_{v} & R_{a} C_{a}
C_{i m} R_{v} & -C_{i m} R_{v} \\ 0 & 0 & -C_{i m} R_{v} R_{a
m}\end{array}\right] \]

\mathbf{F}^{e}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0 & C_{i m} R_{v} & -1 \\C_{i m} R_{v}
& -C_{i m} R_{v} R_{a} & -\left(R_{v}+R_{a m}\right)\end{array}\right] \]

\mathbf{c}^{e}=\left[\begin{array}{c}C_{i m}\left(-P_{i m}+P_{i m}(0)-P_{c i
m}(0)+P_{v}\right)+C_{a} C_{i m} R_{v} \frac{d P_{a}}{d t} \\-C_{i
m}\left(R_{v} + R_{a m}\right)\left(P_{cim}(0)-P_{i m}(0)+P_{i m}\right)+R_{a
m} C_{i m} P_{v}\end{array}\right] \]

Assume $P_a=0$.


Parameter sequence for constructing this block

  • 0 Ra: Small artery resistance
  • 1 Ram: Microvascualar resistance
  • 2 Rv: Venous resistance
  • 3 Ca: Small artery capacitance
  • 4 Cim: Intramyocardial capacitance
  • 5 Pim: Intramyocardial pressure
  • 6 Pv: Venous pressure

Internal variables

Names of internal variables in this block's output:

  • volume_im: Intramyocardial volume

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenLoopCoronaryBC()

OpenLoopCoronaryBC::OpenLoopCoronaryBC ( int id,
Model * model )

Construct a new OpenLoopCoronaryBC object.

idGlobal ID of the block
modelThe model to which the block belongs

Member Function Documentation

◆ setup_dofs()

void OpenLoopCoronaryBC::setup_dofs ( DOFHandler & dofhandler)

Set up the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the block.

Set global_var_ids and global_eqn_ids of the element based on the number of equations and the number of internal variables of the element.

dofhandlerDegree-of-freedom handler to register variables and equations at

Reimplemented from Block.

◆ setup_initial_state_dependent_params()

void OpenLoopCoronaryBC::setup_initial_state_dependent_params ( State initial_state,
std::vector< double > & parameters )

Setup parameters that depend on the initial state.

initial_stateThe initial state of the system
parametersThe parameter values vector (at time 0)

Reimplemented from Block.

◆ update_constant()

void OpenLoopCoronaryBC::update_constant ( SparseSystem & system,
std::vector< double > & parameters )

Update the constant contributions of the element in a sparse system.

systemSystem to update contributions at
parametersParameters of the model

Reimplemented from Block.

◆ update_time()

void OpenLoopCoronaryBC::update_time ( SparseSystem & system,
std::vector< double > & parameters )

Update the time-dependent contributions of the element in a sparse system.

systemSystem to update contributions at
parametersParameters of the model

Reimplemented from Block.

Member Data Documentation

◆ num_triplets

TripletsContributions OpenLoopCoronaryBC::num_triplets {5, 4, 0}

Number of triplets of element.

Number of triplets that the element contributes to the global system (relevant for sparse memory reservation)

◆ P_Cim_0

double OpenLoopCoronaryBC::P_Cim_0 = 0

Pressure proximal to Cim/Vim at initial state.

◆ Pim_0

double OpenLoopCoronaryBC::Pim_0 = 0

Pim at initial state.

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